Piano Studio Class
Studio class was a huge success with almost perfect attendance. There were a total of 30 /- students between the two classes. We began with an icebreaker called “What Note Am I?” It is a musical variation of Indian Poker. I got the idea from Joy Morin’s fabulous blog spot www.colorinmypiano.com.
Afterwards the kids were warmed up and ready to perform for the class. Each student performed 1-2 pieces and received a written evaluation from another student. The younger class drew faces on smiley circles to express correct notes, rhythm, dynamics and overall performance. The older students listened carefully to identify the key, form, meter, expressive nuances and performance strengths and weaknesses.
At the conclusion of class students were able to redeem prizes for tickets accrued over the semester. Then we all joined together for drinks, snacks and coloring while waiting for parents to arrive.
– Jennifer Stadler, NCTM Piano Teacher Oklahoma City, Oklahoma